Representation prior to the filing of formal criminal charges can be absolutely essential. It is important to have someone representing you at this critical time because your actions can have later consequences for your case. It can also be invaluable to get answers to your urgent questions about the criminal justice process. Even if you are hoping to get the services of a court appointed attorney, your right to legal representation doesn’t begin until after your first court date. This can leave someone suspected of a crime without an avenue to ask legal questions or get advice about what to do during the criminal investigation. The Law Office of Jessica Agnich offers these invaluable “pre-filing” legal services. Benefits of hiring an attorney before charges have been filed include:
  • Pre-arranging bail payment
  • Legal advice during police questioning
  • Contacting law enforcement agents on your behalf
  • Ensuring preservation of important exculpatory evidence (surveillance videos, witness statements, etc.) that may no longer be available by the time charges have been filed
  • Contacting the District Attorney to potentially dissuade them from filing charges or explain why lesser charges would be more appropriate
  • Handling media requests
  • Answering your pressing questions about what will happen at your first court date and other questions related to the criminal justice process

Legal Consultation With A San Mateo County Criminal Defense Attorney

For more information about your legal rights during the investigation phase of a criminal case, Contact the Law Office of Jessica Agnich for a free consultation.